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Catalogue 012

Sale price2,860円(税込)

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Catalogue for the exhibition Visionary Colors. In recent years, Kusama's paintings have featured a diverse range of color contrasts, such as copper with light blue lines that depict the entire universe, surprising viewers with their novel color expressions. Beginning with the dark and surreal tones of her early paintings, followed by the ascetic, monochrome works seen in her Infinity Nets series after her move to the US, her recent paintings feature dazzling and dizzying color expressions. Kusama's use of color evolves rapidly and unpredictably, and its impact is further amplified in her sculptures and installation works. This catalogue introduces representative series from her early years to the present, tracing the evolution of Kusama's distinctive use of color throughout her artistic career. 



H231 W208 D8mm
56 pages 
Approx. 297g


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